Monday, January 12, 2009

Cinnamon ice cream

Last week was the right time to test my new ice cream book and from the many tempting options I chose as my first try this cinnamon ice cream. I figured it goes well with the winter season and it having a light touch from the flavors of Christmas without being too Christmassy. One good sound reason for this recipe goes back to my time in Germany last summer. There I tasted Italian cinnamon ice cream and was sold! Cinnamon has other pleasant memories to me from that same period of time.

4-6 portions

300 ml of cream
1 tsp of cinnamon powder
5oo ml of ready-made vanilla sauce or custard (store-bought for me)
1 tbl of lemon juice
50 g of confectioner's sugar

Pour the cream into a thick-bottomed pan, add the cinnamon and stir. Let it come to a boil nd take away from the heat. Let it cool down for 30 minutes.

Pour the vanilla sauce and lemon juice into a large bowl. Sieve in the confectioner's sugar. Add in the cinnamon cream and mix well.

Without an ice cream maker: Freeze the ice cream mixture in a bowl or a container without a lid on for 1-2 hours or until the sides start to get hard. Beat the mixture with a fork or with a mixer until smooth. Put back in the freezer for 2-3 hours or until hard. If you don't eat all at once, cover the container with a lid.

With an ice cream maker: follow the machine's instructions.

This time the consistency was pretty close to a "real" ice cream, I was even a little bit surprised about the progress from last time. After the first time in the freezer I divided the ice cream mixture into three smaller containers, which are enough for two. By doing this, I can take out a whole container from the freezer to soften without needing to worry that the part that won't be eaten this time is partly melted and then frozen again. It would take a while to make a portion from the whole batch because the ice cream froze to be really hard. Looking back, I would have beaten the ice cream at least one more time during the freezing becayse some of the cinnamon had descended on the bottom of the container and not spread evenly into the ice cream.


  1. Kanelijäätelö on hyvää!
    Ite oon ostanut tavallisesti paikallisilta tuottajilta tukkupakkauksissa, mutta nyt ehkä uskaltaudun itekkin kokeilemaan!

  2. Kannattaa kokeilla! Aina maussa tuntuu olevan jotain ekstraa kun on tietää syövänsä itse tehtyä :) Mistä oot muuten siis ostanut kanelijäätelöä?


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